Reviews of ESL Books and Materials

Read summary reviews of valuable ESL book and materials titles.

Browse recently published ESL books and ESL materials, and learn more about ESL journals and ESL publishers to keep informed on many topics in the ESL field.

In the ever-innovating field of ESL teaching in which a multiplicity of new ideas related to ESL theory and practice seem to emerge on a daily basis, it is more prevalent than ever that ESL teaching professionals keep abreast of significant changes within the ESL field.

Book Reviews

To be sure, there is a great need in the world of ESL teaching for an easy way to access clear and competently written analyses of new books entering the market, of the often haphazard process by which language programs (and individual instructors) choose their texts and supporting materials does not lend to the ultimate success of their second-language students; in fact, an argument could be made that many ESL programs are short-changing their students by requiring them to buy texts that meet a singular-minded criterion - price.

Regardless, however, of the reasons behind particular ESL book-buying choices, ESL teachers need quick access to book and materials reviews, and one site that may prove useful is, specifically their ESL Books Guide.

TESOL Journal

An absolutely essential resource for all ESL teachers and professionals is the TESOL Journal, a quarterly journal that contains articles, book reviews, and professional dialogue about significant ESL theory and practice - see TESOL Journal article.

Publishers' Websites

In order to bring their ESL textbooks and supplementary materials to the largest market possible, ESL book publishers must keep their fingers on the pulse of the ESL field, negotiating how and when to make changes that will prove beneficial to both teachers and students alike.

Therefore, spending time perusing the sites consistently updated sites of these publishing companies will surely prove beneficial to anyone seeking to know the latest cutting-edge materials to enter the ESL market – ESL Publishers.

College & University Websites

Whether implicitly or explicitly, many colleges and universities have set up websites that reveal the basic theoretical approaches that form the basis of their specific ESL program. Valuable connections can be drawn between a university perspective and the kinds of books being published and TESOL articles being produced that support such a perspective.

In other words, ESL teachers may want to know which universities or colleges endorse specific theories of ESL research and practice, especially when it comes to making decisions about the graduate study or job opportunities.

Visit this ESL Colleges & Universities link to explore a wide range of ESL programs built upon diverse perspectives of language teaching.